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Adobe Illustrator
How to Install the Adobe Illustrator Plugin
If you are using Adobe Illustrator to create the sketches of your products, you can use our plugin to easily synchronise your sketches with your Rechain products, directly from Illustrator. How to install the plugin Here are a few steps to help you get started: Access to our plugin in Adobe Creative Cloud App Store here Install the plugin (detailed instructions here (
How to Use the Adobe Illustrator Plugin
How to Open Rechain Plugin on Illustrator Once the plugin is installed, open Illustrator and go to "Window" "Extensions" "Rechain” How to Create a Product from Illustrator To speed up your product creation flow when you're working in Illus
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Illustrator Plugin: How to Switch Between Workspaces
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Connect your Rechain Workspace to your Shopify Store
You can connect your Rechain workspace with your Shopify Store in order to update your inventory automatically every time you accept a purchase order. Here are the steps to follow to connect Rechain and Shopify: In Shopify, go to "Apps and sales channels" "Develop apps" Create a new app called "Rechain" (
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